About Casa de Vinuri Cotnari

Casa de Vinuri Cotnari is one of the international beacons for wine production in the East of Romania. Active in the region’s wine scene, they are investing in new wineries, vineyards and projects that enhance understanding of Moldavia and its local varieties.

Despite the large scale production here, their is a genuine focus on quality. Planting density is high and state of the art technology has been acquired to ensure clean, modern wine making takes place. For me the Cotnari project is extremely exciting due to the emphasis places on Romanian grapes. There are at least 100 hectares of Fetească Neagră, 100 ha of the increasingly popular Busuioacă, 75 ha of Tămâioasă Românească, 75 ha of the region’s historically important Grasă de Cotnari and 50 Fetească Albă. This makes for an impressive commitment to the future of Romania’s wine heritage.